Sunday, March 21, 2010

Welcome to My World...

It is 11:15 on Sunday night and my brainchild of this morning is coming to fruition.  I have no idea who is even going to read my thoughts, but this blog is written for me to keep me honest and on track.  I'm somebody's "guru" now, so I better start living up to it!

I started back on the exercise train two weeks ago after a nasty cold.  I felt inspired, FINALLY, to really take back control of my body.  It hasn't been laziness, just life, that's kept me from doing what needs to be done.  After being inspired by less-than-lovely legs last night at an art gallery opening, I decided that I can do this.  I can be 35 (in May - gifts are graciously accepted) and have fantastic looking legs AND wear a miniskirt.  Will I have my 18-year-old body back? After birthing two over 9-pound children, probably not, but, hey, that's life and I can accept that.

What this blog won't be is what so many others write about: the struggle for weight-loss.  The fact is, I love myself.  I mean, I really love myself!  I have good self-esteem and am not known for being modest or humble.  Character flaws?  To some, perhaps, however, I am gracious and can take a compliment as well as constructive criticism.  I hope that whomever reads what I have to write will keep that old adage in mind, "If you don't have something nice (or constructive) to say, then don't say anything at all."  Let's be civil, shall we?

Let the games begin (again)!

*Shoes courtesy of Vibram Fivefingers, nutritious eating courtesy of Dr. Joel Fuhrman and my mad cooking skills, and running technique courtesy of the Pose Method.  I'll be posting all about the aforementioned things this week, so stay tuned.  Until then, see the links below!


  1. Best of luck on this challenging endeavor - it won't be easy but I think you can do it!

  2. Welcome to the world of blogs!
